Handling each case with sincerity and dedication
With extensive experience as both in-house counsel for a global corporation and as a practicing attorney, LEE Jaewon offers comprehensive legal services that address a wide range of needs—from internal corporate requirements and dispute prevention to litigation response.
Leveraging a background in professional English interpreter and translator, LEE Jaewon provides specialized legal services to businesses and individuals requiring English-language communication. All services and communications are delivered entirely in English, ensuring clarity and professionalism.
Dedicated to understanding clients' unique needs, LEE Jaewon approaches every case with sincerity and a commitment to resolving issues effectively.
Areas of Expertise
Intellectual Property
As both a patent attorney and a lawyer, I am committed to protecting my clients' rights with specialized expertise in law and intellectual property. I provide comprehensive legal services, including the filing and registration of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and design rights, as well as early-stage responses to infringement and representation in trials or litigation. Additionally, I offer expert legal counsel in criminal proceedings related to intellectual property to secure the most favorable outcomes for my clients.
With an engineering background, I possess a deep understanding of technology and law, allowing me to offer precise analysis and strategy where these fields intersect. As a patent attorney and lawyer, I am dedicated to safeguarding my clients' business assets and supporting their success through accurate legal protection and strategy
Expats, Gyopos, International Family Law, and Visa Cases
As an attorney with extensive experience in international legal issues such as divorce, inheritance, and visa matters, I provide clear solutions to complex procedures and regulations. As a trusted legal partner in cross-border litigation and negotiations, I carefully analyze each client's situation to offer the best possible resolution. By communicating directly in English, I ensure prompt and precise handling of legal matters for foreign nationals and overseas Koreans.
From labor disputes, contract violations, and visa issues for foreign residents in Korea to inheritance cases and military service violations for overseas Koreans, I offer expert legal services grounded in deep international understanding. My top priority is protecting clients' rights while delivering exceptional legal solutions in a wide range of international cases.
I gained in-house counsel experience at Celltrion Healthcare Co., Ltd., a global biosimilar sales company, and McDonald’s Korea, the Korean subsidiary of a global food and beverage franchise and real estate company.
In addition, I have extensive experience providing legal counsel to numerous startups and multinational companies, including assisting with their entry into the Korean market.
From handling IR tasks to managing legal team operations, I provide specialized corporate legal counsel grounded in a deep understanding of how global corporations address issues and the specific needs within their internal operations. This enables me to offer tailored legal advice that aligns with the unique characteristics of each industry.
Committed to
Serving You with Dedication
Dedicated to Solving Your Issues with Care and Commitment
Korean Attorney Handling Consultations, Litigation, and Negotiations Directly in English
Former In-House Counsel for Global Corporations with Expertise in Corporate Law and Litigation
Patent Attorney Offering Comprehensive Services from IP Protection to Infringement Response
Voices of Clients
Delivering Results You Can Trust
Thank you, thank you very much. Thanks for your help.
- Cindy Y
Thank you so much. After watching the drama ’Extraordinary Attorney Woo’, I couldn't help but feel that you've truly helped me just like Attorney Woo did.
- Misako
Thank you for your excellent work on my behalf.
- Andrew
Professional Background
Managing Partner / Patent Attorney at Yewon Law Firm
Previous Roles
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